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Why, HELLO there! You probably want to jump right into my work but, I thought I could humor you with a little shameless self-promotion first.
I’m a Chicago native, seasoned, award-winning agency senior integrated producer with a proven track record for bringing some of the most complex ideas to life. I’ve worked on multiple platforms for a wide variety of major brands – Kraft, Philip Morris, Intel, Comcast, MillerCoors, United Healthcare, Marshalls (just to name a few). I pride myself on being an open minded, proactive, cool, calm, collected and available 24/7 kinda gal. I thrive on being part of the creative process, finding solutions and making sure everything is produced efficiently and and as impeccable as possible. It might be why I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and plan on doing it for 20 + years to come!
And as much as I love producing I do have a life outside of the ad agency confines. I’m a novice cook (still can’t decide if I enjoy cooking more then I love eating), interior design/home renno junkie and Karaoke songster. You can also count on me to talk (or sing) endlessly and passionately about any of these 3 topics.
Don't hesitate to give me a shout if you’d like to hear more or just want to belt out some tunes at Karaoke joint together!